Hopefully this will be the push Clark needs to start rethinking his own feelings.

I am still holding my prior stated premise,Clark fell for Lois on first sight.

At ever junction he made decisions that favored Lois over Lana.

In little things and in big things he always picked Lois.

He made decisions that made no sense in any manner or shape when it was what might be best for Lois or what Lois wanted.

What we need is a scene with Linda King and Jimmy Olson. Linda can explain that she saw it all from the start. She saw right through Clark. He claimed he was being a good guy when he couldn't keep his eyes off Lois. That he ran after Lois like a little puppy dog.
Linda can even explain that the only reason Clark was unwilling to have sex with Lana was his focus on Lois.
Linda: "Regardless of what Clark says or perhaps believes, he was a goner from the minute he set eyes on Lois Lane."
Linda: "Clark could be holding Lana but his eyes always followed Lane."

On a sadder note, this Clark Kent is not up to being Superman. Maybe a hero in a costume that hides his face, even his race and age, but not barefaced in the full glare of the spotlight. He simply has too much to risk.

Risking himself, risking his parents, even risking Lois, but the children, never. So a maskless Superman is out.
