Hey girl! So happy to see you post another story...

Disappointed that you didn't immediately tell me about it... have I fallen from your good graces? wink

Okay... I started not to quote anything because I'm subbing at work today and well... that's another story. But I couldn't help myself! There were so many good quotable parts. laugh

First off... just let me say that I LOVE that word. Hee hee. Cracks me up every time I read it.

Clark wriggles and I worry that I'm going to drop him. As soon as I set him down, he stumbles backward and stares at me in disbelief. He's even paler now - I hope I didn't give him vertigo when I picked him up.
I totally laughed out loud here... Lois worried about giving Clark vertigo - and poor Clark...

I pick up the camera as Clark watches me with dazed curiosity. "Cut it out," I tell him. "I'm still me. Don't treat me any differently just because I could squish your head the next time you irritate me."
LOL *snicker* You had me laughing so many times during this part.

"Strength. I, uh, I pushed a heavy desk across the floor like it was nothing. And the hearing. I can hear people talking all around us right now."

"It's probably best if you don't listen in," Dr. Klein says with a frown. "I'm not sure what your security clearance is."

"Oh, I'm not! It's just background noise, really. I didn't even realize I was hearing other people until someone said my name when I shouldn't have been able to hear them. It caught my attention."
Ha ha ha! "I'm not sure what your security clearance is" - PRICELESS!!! Pure Klein.

"Avoid others? Are you kidding me? Am I supposed to barricade myself in my apartment for the rest of my life?"

Dr. Klein looks offended that I'm taking this so harshly. "Only for a day or two. Until we can set things right."

"Right? Set what right? Did you miss the part where I said that I *enjoy* having these powers?"
*snicker* Yeah - because who of us WOULDN'T enjoy having them? Or want to give them back...

Oh, yeah... um... poor Superman...

"Maybe you're thinking too hard about it?" he suggests.

"Thinking too hard? But isn't that how you fly? You think happy thoughts it just happens?"

"No." He breaks into a laugh. "I'm not Peter Pan and there's no fairy dust involved."
*giggling hysterically* Loved that.

I hold my hand out to him. "Wanna fly with me?"

Clark doesn't say a word. He just stares at me.

"Come on, I promise I won't drop you. This is the coolest thing that's ever happened to me, and I want someone to share it with. Fly with me, Clark. Please?"

He reaches out and takes my hand. "All right."
Awwww *sniffles* that part was so sweet! Lois taking Clark for a fly for once, instead.

But, um... I hope he doesn't decide to make any revelations to her during their flight... she might just drop him. wink

Great story, JDG. Looking forward to the 2nd part. (what? Only 2 parts? Really???)

-- SLC

Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy I am.