I love it when I'm reading a new story and I realize it's a premise I've never seen before. It's a lovely extra thrill.

And I adore first person POV!

While he certainly has an effect on me, Superman's never actually made me *faint* before.
This made me smile because I can detect a slight undertone of disgust - Lois Lane doesn't faint, period! (Despite the odd choices TPTB might make in the movieverse.)

Why in the world did Superman transfer some of his powers to me? And how? Did he do it on purpose?
That's a whole 'nother fic idea right there!

"Cut it out," I tell him. "I'm still me. Don't treat me any differently just because I could squish your head the next time you irritate me."
clap Great Lois line!

"When Dr. Klein said that my powers had transferred to you," Superman says haltingly. "He meant it literally."
Give him a (gentle) hug, Lois. He needs it!

It's the oddest sensation, being completely surrounded by the noise and din of humanity and yet feeling isolated.
Great insight.

"You teach me how to fly and I'll gladly give your powers back when Dr. Klein figures out how to reverse us."
I get that she enjoys the powers, but would she really have not given them back? I hope not.

"I jumped and it was just as terrifying and amazing as people had claimed.
We, of course, know this is Clark. But without that knowledge, it must be very strange to hear Superman call something "terrifying".

So I jumped - only that time I stopped myself before I hit the water. I did a few times, actually. Jumped, stopped before the water, and then flew back to the edge. It was exhilarating. I don't know that anything has ever matched that feeling of being absolutely free."
Wonderful story.

For some odd reason I'm imagining that his parents look like Clark's. I can easily imagine Clark coming home dripping wet, still pleased with himself, even though he knows he's about to catch hell for being reckless.
Go with that, Lois.

"Come on, I promise I won't drop you. This is the coolest thing that's ever happened to me, and I want someone to share it with. Fly with me, Clark. Please?"
I love this in so many ways. The excitement, the trust, the friendship.

Lovely story, JDG. Aside from being a good read, it's also very insightful. I think Lois is going to come out of this knowing a lot more about herself and Clark and Superman, even if it doesn't involve the revelation.

I'm looking forward to part two!

lisa in the sky with diamonds