Oh, this was adorable! I love it. I hope Lois won't have to give up her powers just as soon as she got them. But in any case, this was irresistible.

I love how you wrote how Clark learnt to fly, and how Lois learnt to fly. Both descriptions were awesome and just perfect. I could just feel the situations in my guts. And I could certainly feel this:

After I get home, it takes me almost half an hour to work up the courage to climb outside my window. My knees shake as I crawl out onto the ledge. I take a deep breath and let my feet dangle. I can't do it. I know I can fly - really I do, but I just can't jump. I close my eyes, let out another breath and push away from the ledge.
Scary scary scary!!!

Nothing happens.

I open my eyes and there's the street, five stories below me. I don't fall - I just hover there in delighted wonder. It's one thing to fly with the floor just below you. It's another to float this high above the ground.
Oh wow!!! That's amazing!!!

For almost a minute I stay there, watching the cars and people pass below me. Then I lift higher, above the roof of my building, my confidence increasing with every passing second. I fly - FLY! - in the direction of the one person with whom I simply have to share this.
She's going to tell Clark. That's lovely.

"Come on, I promise I won't drop you. This is the coolest thing that's ever happened to me, and I want someone to share it with. Fly with me, Clark. Please?"

He reaches out and takes my hand. "All right."
Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! sloppy sloppy sloppy sloppy

Come back soon with more!!!
