I'm sure I don't have to tell you again how much I enjoyed this story. Mmmm! smile

He's a solid guy, my partner. Sometimes he rolls up his sleeves at the morning bull session and it's all I can do not to stare. And that's just his forearms.
Fivearms... Fivearms! [Linked Image]

My god! I saw him in a towel once, a few months ago, and it's insane how good he looked.
Seriously... More [Linked Image]

Words circle in the air around me. Clark says something to the clerk. She says something back and I can hear the breathy little note of attraction in her tone. She's flirting with him! Flirting with my partner even as he's standing here with one arm around me and his hand firmly planted on my waist. The nerve!
The very first sentence is just brilliant. And the rest is so amusing. I love that whole paragraph!

And... and... oooh. That kiss! YUM!

Damn, I hope he brings me flowers...
I'm sure he will. wink *sighs* What I wouldn't give for a guy like that. ...does a kidney work? I don't really need *two* of those, do I? *giggles*

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies