"Five?" There's an undercurrent of laughter in his voice that even my being drunk can't hide.

"Don't judge me, Clark. I've had a lousy night." If he's lucky, I won't remember this tomorrow.
Boy can I relate to Lois here, especially last Sunday ouy.

He looks at me like I'm fascinating. Not in some odd way, but like he's trying to figure me out. It makes me feel mysterious to know that Clark is trying to read my mind. And maybe it's the fact that, while he does break out an innuendo now and then, Clark is unfailingly polite. It's like there's more going on inside him than I really want to give him credit for.

Or maybe I'm just really, really drunk.
I love this bit. When you give us a glimpse of Lois' thoughts about Clark you seem to really get to the core of 1st season Lois. Her insight into Clark here is spot on and portrays her confusion over her feelings for him and in recognising that Clark is trying to figure her out when he looks at Lois, you've got her doing exactly the same thing - trying to figure out Clark - or maybe she's just really drunk!

Lovely and very funny Sue... I'd like to add my voice to the crowd and call for an encore, I'm sure we'd all love to see the morning after.

All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?