Elisabeth you are one sharp cookie!!!

I'm so glad that you found this mistake. That's what happens when you go back and change something that you've written and then don't remember how it affects something later in your story. Towards the end of the story, I did a lot of changing and editing back and forth on a few items. I tried to read, and re-read everything to make sure it gelled, but obviously I didn't catch everything...


No... no one else caught it - or at least "told" me that they caught it. You take the blue ribbon. I'm so glad you did find it, though, that means I can fix it before the story goes to the archive. I've already submitted it but I haven't heard from my GE yet, so there's still time for me to fix this. <wipes brow>

Thanks Elisabeth! I hope you enjoy the part despite the mistake.

-- DJ

Edited -- <sigh> I was making the situation more difficult than it needed to be, huh? That was because I added that line about her Jeep being at Clark's apartment AFTER I wrote the part about the cab taking her back to her apartment to get her Jeep -- I forgot I wrote that part.

Therefore, when they get to STAR Labs to see Dr. Klein, this is what you should have read:

When she had called Dr. Klein, he had told her to meet him at STAR Labs so he could examine Superman. She had called a cab to take them by Clark’s apartment where Clark could change into his Suit and then she could drive ‘Superman' to STAR Labs in her Jeep.

Anyway, you didn't need that long drawn out explanation :p but at least it's fixed, anyway. Thank you Elisabeth!

-- DJ

Oh, and P.S., Elisabeth, thank you for the fdk you've been leaving me along the way - I'm so glad that you and James have been enjoying the story. Thank you!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.