Imagine my surprise when I popped on here and saw what was happening!!!

I think everyone is overlooking the most obvious explanation.

Lois broke him. [Dizzy]

Sue!!! OMG!!! Do you know how hard I laughed at that? Seriously? Do you?

And then Lara went and added to the fun - yes, I guess Lois did set herself up for that one, didn't she? Little Ms. 'Kryptonite's got nothing on me' - LOL!!!

Oh, you guys.... <still snorting>

Oh no! Ann!!! LOLS! I could only imagine the look on Dr. Klein's face!

And then Dr. Klein fell off his chair, cracking his skull on the floor below...
Yep, I imagine that's what would happen, Sue, but his face would turn 8 shades of pink first. <g>

I just sent the last part back to DJ, so you aren't waiting on me anymore. Get out the pitchforks and hound her mercilessly. You might also want to get some tissues because you'll probably be as sad as I am that this story is over.
PITCHFORCKS!?! Don't be telling them to hound me mercilessly yet... after all... you gave me some great suggestions and a few things I need to tweak before I can post. <g>

(Somewhere, DJ, I hope you're crying.)
After that beta, yes, I was, I was CRYING. I was laughing so hysterically that I thought the neighbors might hear me. Seriously, I think I pulled an abdominal muscle I laughed so hard. OMG - too funny. Thank you so much!

Hi Lisa! You know, I just couldn't think of any other word to describe him but 'yummy' there. <g> Glad you liked it. And I'm tickled that you liked the parts with the movers and the landlady - I just really felt like if Lois had agreed to marry Luthor, she probably would have already closed her lease out and set up movers and what not... the show never showed us that - but it did seem to change the location of her apartment in her building from time to time. <g> And it always seemed to me like her apartment was just a one-bedroom... but in the pilot, it seemed a little bigger and Lucy was staying with her, so I would have thought she'd have had 2 bedrooms then. So it was just a fun little subplot to play with. <g> Glad you enjoyed it.

No... 22 isn't here yet... but I'm tweaking it right now - I have it back from both betas and I'm hoping maybe I can post it later... maybe even this morning. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Jojo! I'm so glad you've loved it. <g> I miss your reviews Jojo, I won't lie, but I'm also just happy that you popped in just to let me know that you're still reading and still loving it. Thank you!

We readers are just trying to get past the 'almost two funerals' for our honeymoon hero. But I still like Sue's explanation best - Lois broke him!!!
LOL Missy - yes, I agree, Sue's explanation was great. She mentioned that explanation to me several times in the last couple of betas <snort> along with some other colorful lines that I just might have to share with everyone at the end of part 22 - I laughed so hard... I really should share...

Anyway, thanks again everyone! You have no idea how sad I'll be to post the final part tomorrow. frown Hmmm.... maybe I should hold on to it awhile... I could give myself time to acclimate to the idea that it's over... and...


<glares at Babbles>

All right, all right. I'll post it just as soon as I get my tweaking done. Sheesh!


But seriously, thank you. It's been a blast.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.