I have passed very small kidney stones on two different occasions. I never saw the first one, but the second one felt like a nuclear submarine with the periscope extended.

When it finally popped out, it was less than a quarter-inch long and had four minuscule protrusions on one side, like four tiny little periscopes for four tinier little submariners out to torpedo my insides.

Both of them caused me to bleed like I'd been stabbed. And they both hurt like nobody's business.

So if Clark is trying to pass a Kryptonite kidney stone, the pain would probably be nearly unbearable. Add to that Lois's mortification at greeting Dr. Klein in her altogethers and having to tell the good doctor that Clark is Superman on her wedding night and you've got a ginormous (yes, that's a word) amount of WAFFy WHAM coming up in the next chapter or two.

Oh, thanks for not killing Clark in the beginning of the chapter. And thank you so very much for putting him in mortal danger at the end so all the FOLCs following your story will squeal and gnash their teeth. Me included.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing