Hmmm... I'll take really bad poetry for two hundred please. LOL.
Heh. Boy, am I going to make you wish you'd never said that.

Stopping by Fanfic on an Angsty Evening
By Caroline (With deepest apologies to Robert Frost)

Whose tale this is I think I know.
It’s giving me an ulcer, though.
She should not leave her story here
After such a heartless blow!

These people are to me so dear
Her evil muse I’ve come to fear.
I beg for WAFF and no mistake
Oh, DJ, let me make this clear:

How much more do we have to take?
Wedding night angst! My heart might break.
It’s time to love, not time to weep.
A miracle cure Klein shall make!

The bribe I have would seem too cheap,
But this bad poem is yours to keep.
A new part now would help me sleep.
A new part now would help me sleep.

There. I'm pretty sure I just made the English teachers cry! laugh
