Hi everyone! I had just a little bit of time tonight and wanted to take a peek at fdk... and then of course I couldn't take a peek without responding... goofy

Hi Framework4 - yay, a party! Glad you're enjoying it.

Hi Symbolic! I'm so glad to see you. Thanks for the fdk even though things are hectic for you. Really? You hadn't seen the idea of cloning Kryptonite before? Cool! I'm sure it's been done somewhere before... but I try to come up with original ideas. <g> Thanks for the fdk.

Hi Ann! LOL - well I was trying to be funny/silly, glad you had a good laugh. I'm happy you enjoyed seeing Clark finally wake up. About time huh?

I can so totally sympathize with her for being angry here! Oh, wow, I'm taking Lois's side against Clark. Wow. That hardly ever happens, does it? [Wink]
You have no idea how much you made me laugh...

Thanks so much for all that yummy fdk and I'm glad you enjoyed her conversation with her father. Yay! Your comments at the end had me laughing all over again... who did that mysterious dark-haired man at your door turn out to be? Did Sue send CIHC to come visit you? Hee hee. Thanks Ann!

Hi Sheila! I'm so glad you picked up on all those emotions... emotions are just running rampant... through most of this fic, I'd say... Thank you for all those nice quotes and comments. I'm so glad you enjoyed the part!

Hi princessanna! Ooooh, yay, I'm glad you came back to leave fdk, thank you! I'll just warn you that they both do some idiotic things in the upcoming parts... <g> I'm glad you enjoyed the scene between Lois and her father too. Thanks!

Hi Vonceil! Thank you for taking the time to leave fdk - no matter how short or long. I like Dr. Klein too - he makes a few appearances throughout the fic. <g>

Thanks again everyone! I plan to have part 6 up sometime by Tuesday!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.