I thought you might like it early.
Why yes we do. laugh Thanks for obliging!

Lois had no idea how long she had been asleep when she was awakened to a soft groaning sound, but judging by the lethargy in her body she hadn’t been asleep long.
Yes!!!!! He's awake!

She would probably smack herself later for it but she added, “Who do you think you are? Superman?”
Hehe. Oh Lois. She can't help jabbing him, even when he's confused and battered in a hospital. *Shakes head* But then again... maybe he deserved that one...

“I know you’re in pain, Clark. You can’t hide it from me. I can see it in your eyes.”

“I’ll be careful, Clark. Don’t worry. You know I did survive quite well on my own before Superman came to Metropolis.”

In response, Clark muttered something to the effect of that having been a miracle and Lois scowled at him.

“Lois?” There was a pause. “It’s three-thirty in the morning. Are you okay?” She could hear the genuine concern in his voice and it gave her a warm feeling, just briefly.
Aww, I'm glad Lois' dad is being... well... nice. That was a touching conversation with him.

She grimaced at just the thought of that conversation.
Ugh. I don't think Clark's going to be happy about that. Thanks for posting so soon DJ! I love this story and I'm so glad that Clark's awake now. I can't decide how I think he's going to take Lois' interference though... on one hand, he might be relieved, but on the other, he'll probably be angry... Well my musings aside, thanks for the quick post!


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile