I thought you might like it early.
Oh yeah!!! laugh

I'm glad you weren't kidding about Clark waking up! Yay!!!

“Did they stop the wedding?” That wasn’t really the first question he had meant to ask, but it was what came out first.
awww!! It's so cute that this is the first thing he wants to know about. smile

Part of her was just dying to blurt out ‘I know you’re Superman!’
Part of me is sad you didn't! *lol*

Was it so much to want to be loved just for himself? Not for the special things he could do, but just for who he was?
Silly boy! Of course she loves you. The real you...

If she could have only loved Clark...
She does, you nitwit, I told you already! She does! wink

She didn’t love him. She had said she didn’t.
Oh, shut up, already! She hasn't said anything like that at all!!! Get some rest, Clark, your thinking isn't very clear...

smile I think they're both over-thinking things. *lol*

Clark: Lois loves you, OK? Stop torturing yourself.

Lois: Clark isn't going to freak out completely, I know he won't. Stop obsessing!

Ahhh! Feels better now. *lol*

Great part, DJ! Can't wait for the next. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies