This is probably the only chance I'll have all weekend to answer fdk - so here I am! <mwahhhh> Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments.

Hi Laura S! Yes, it's an interesting thought about Dr. Klein, isn't it? Just what will Clark think about it? My muse thought long and hard, and I borrowed Sue's Clark from her closet and chatted with him a bit... we'll see if you agree with me or not. <g> Thanks for the fdk. I'm so glad you enjoyed the part.

Hi Jojo! <hug> I'm glad to see you. I knew you said it would be a while before you'd get to read/leave me fdk... so imagine my surprise to see you. I'm tickled that you "adore" it so far. Thanks for the fdk... and I'll look forward to more when you have time. <eyes pop out of DJ's head>... err... even if it is a year from now. goofy

Hi Lara! I hope your back is doing better. I'm so glad you enjoyed this part. And you cracked me up with your comments... especially the "nitwit" one and the "shut up, already" - LOLSSS! Thanks for the fdk Lara!

Hi eminMN! Thanks for the fdk! I'm glad you enjoyed the early post surprise. I hated to make everyone wait till Monday or Tuesday. Now you'll just have to wait for the next part till Tuesday <g> Ooooh, I'm glad you picked that part to quote. I liked that one myself... even if it was a poor point of view on Clark's part... <sigh> Give him time...

Hi Sammie! Hmmm, yes, he might not like it. One never knows exactly how he'll react. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi another folc! You are all welcome. <g> I'm glad to see you enjoyed it. At least Clark is awake now, right? And I did promise WAFF... trust me... it's coming up... maybe a couple of more parts... bear with me. <g>

Hi Jen! Yay! You're ecstatic. Yippee! Thanks for the fdk! Hope to see you later. <g>

Hi Laurach! I'm glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the fdk.

Thanks again everyone! And if I don't see you before Tuesday... I'll see you then with part 6.

<DJ - signing off>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.