Hi eminMN!!! Thank you for the fdk and I'm so glad you are enjoying it!

Regardless I think the next parts will be high on the angst-o-meter, and I am excited about it.
I hope the future parts deliver for you. <g> I'll have part 4 up shortly.

Hi Lara! <hugs> Thanks for the fdk on all 3 parts! I loved it. You made me giggle out loud several times and I really needed the laugh. <g>

quote:Well duh, she chastised herself, he is your partner. Of course he looks familiar.

I am literally choking with laughter on that one. That is just too good!!
Hee hee - thanks. Glad you liked it.

I'm going to have part 4 up in the next few minutes. Thank you!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.