“Lois, can I ask you to do something for me?”


“Can you watch over him, please, until we get there?” There was another pause but before Lois could answer, Martha continued, “Don't let them treat him any further until we get there.”
Wow. Clark is in hospital, knocked out by Kryptonite and by Lex Luthor's axe, and Martha asks Lois not to let the hospital treat Clark further? You've actaully made me worried now, DJ - well, not really really, because I just can't believe that very many writers of LnC fanfic are in any way willing to kill off Clark. Still, though, his condition may be more serious than I initially thought.

“Don't worry, honey,” Perry said, coming up beside her and patting her arm. “I'm sure he'll wake up soon.” Perry reached down and lightly patted Clark's shoulder. “You hear that, son? I need you up and at "em. I'm not letting go of the Daily Planet without a fight and I'm gonna need all the help I can get.”
Aaww, Perry is so sweet. That is one of the best things about LnC compared with other portraits of Superman's world - the delightful sweetness of Perry.

And Perry bought new clothes for Lois, so she could get out of her "Mrs. Luthor" wedding dress. It was good to see that thing in the trash.

“You know, you look very handsome without your glasses, Clark. You really should try wearing contacts.”
He is handsome, isn't he, Lois? Take a look at him again. Take a good look.

Something looked very familiar about him.
You don't say?

Well duh, she chastised herself, he is your partner. Of course he looks familiar.

<You know, it's remarkable. I never noticed before... You look a lot like Superman...>

Why *was* Superman upset with her?
Maybe because you turned him down so cruelly?

She laid her hand across Clark's chest and leaned down, whispering fiercely to him, &#8220;Clark Kent you have some explaining to do when you wake up.&#8221;
Right, Lois. At least you've figured out what kind of questions you should ask him. Let's just hope he'll wake up soon... but we can't be sure of that, can we?

Okay, DJ, you promised us about twenty-five parts, and since this is just part three, you'd better come back soon with the next one! thumbsup
