Hello everyone! I'm back!!! Thanks so much for the fdk!

Hi princessanna! LOL at Clark pretending to stay asleep until he figures out how to get out of this. That was funny. <bg> Thanks for the fdk - glad you liked the waff, there's more to come.

Sorry this part was a little shorter. The next part will be a little longer - it was just a good place to break.

Hi Dandello! LOL - yes, hugs to Martha. smile Thanks.

Hi Jen! Hah - glad you liked the glasses. Hmmm, and yes, you should try going without your glasses and seeing what people think. <g> She knows that Lois loves Clark - even if L&C don't right now. <g> I liked Martha and Jonathan in the show... they were pretty astute when it came to stuff like that. <g> I'll have part 4 posted soon, by Friday anyway. Thanks.

Hi Laura S! I love that you enjoyed those waffy parts. Her touching and talking to him. <g> I know that so far this story has been pretty angsty with not a lot of waff... trust me, there is much more waff coming... although, it takes a few parts to really get there... oh, and then there will be more of angst of course...

Eek! But she can't be TOO mad at him, right?? he's an invalid! Oh wait. It's Lois Lane. What was I thinking? [Goofy]
LOL!!!! Ha ha ha! That's funny. Yes, what were you thinking? <g> Although you might be surprised... it kind of depends on how things unfold, doesn't it?

Hi ultragirl! Ooooh, I'm so tickled that you think this is one of the best revelations you've read in a while - yippee! And that you liked the "duh, he is your partner" line. Tee hee.

You brought up some very interesting questions ultragirl - I love it. Seeing as how 90% of the story is written, I already know the answer... but I guess you'll just have to RAFO. <bg> Thanks for the fdk! Glad you're on the edge of your seat!

Awwww, come on lcfan4ever! You know you aren't going to be able to hold out for 20-25 parts. You might as well start reading now. <g>

Hi Camy! Thank you! Yes, I think Lois has figured it out - if she can just get some confirmation. <g> Thanks for the fdk. Glad you liked it!

Hi Ann!

Still, though, his condition may be more serious than I initially thought.
That is a very astute observation Ann... we shall see, won't we???

Yes, I always thought the Perry of LnC was such a sweetheart - such a big southern teddy bear. Glad you liked him.

I'm glad you seemed to enjoy the revelation scene. <g>

I will come back soon with the next one. In the next few days, I promise. Thanks so much Ann!!!

Hi Lisa! <hug> I've been missing you. I'm glad you're reading and enjoying. Thanks!

Oneredneckgoddess left fdk in my story thread, but I'm going to answer her here. First of all, let me say WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!! [Linked Image]

I know you'll enjoy it here. The community here is great. And thanks for the fdk. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Thanks again everyone. I'll have a new part up in a couple of days!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.