I know I'm going to be sorry I read all these so fast, cause part 4 is going to be a few days before it's here - isn't it? Oh well...

“What other things don’t I know about you, farm boy?”

Perry let out a sigh. “No, I couldn’t convince him. But I’ve got other names on my list.
Oooh! Oooh! I know someone!! I know someone!!! Bruce Wayne! Heeeeeeeee!!!! (sorry, couldn't help it... I kinda have a thing for the guy - not that I've told anyone, of course. *rofl*)

“You know, you look very handsome without your glasses, Clark. You really should try wearing contacts.”
Geez, she's blind... *lol* I love that, though. It's amusing because it's so damn obvious to us and she sees absolutely nothing. I hope she figures it out... LOL!

Well duh, she chastised herself, he is your partner. Of course he looks familiar.
I am literally choking with laughter on that one. That is just too good!!

<You know, it’s remarkable. I never noticed before... You look a lot like Superman...>
Hello-ooooooooo??? rotflol

Had Lex found a way to hurt Superman? Was he that evil?
No, no... he's not *that* evil. He's dozens of times MORE evil that *that*. GRRRR!!! I loathe him...!!!

Loved it! I can't wait to find out what happens when Clark wakes up! smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies