Finally managed to find a comfy place to sit (I wouldn't wish back pains on anyone, even Lex Luthor!) and time to read. YES!!!

FDK (ie: silly comments and the usual yelling at the characters) as I read. laugh

Sure, maybe Superman was more physically capable of protecting her, but no one had a heart like Clark’s.
Got to love the irony in this. hehe! Poor Lois... he's the same guy. We so wish you could have seen that *before* you agreed to marry a criminal...

The closer they became the harder she tried to push him away. That’s why she had gotten involved with Lex to begin with.
Yeah, like that makes sense... here you have a nice guy - really, REALLY nice guy - he's got feelings for you and you're starting to think you have feelings for him and in the left corner, there's a billionaire who's really only interested in owning a trophy and whom you don't actually love. Who shall it be? Mmmm... hard pick. How about spend the rest of your life with the guy you don't love? That makes so much more sense than the other alternative... *sigh* Even to my med-induced mush of a brain, your logic makes no sense, Lois... no sense at all. How can you hate yourself so much that you want to do such a thing? *sigh*

But she had asked Clark to find him for her because she knew it would show him that she didn’t have *those* kind of feelings for him – she had those kind of feelings for Superman.
Yes, but since A = B and B = C, then Clark Kent is Superman. (hey, that makes *plenty* of sense in my head!)

“Yes, I’m sorry. But I can’t marry you, Lex. I’m... I’m not in love with you. Not like I should be. And that’s not fair – not to you and certainly not to me.” The words were soft but she spoke them with a firm determination that almost surprised her. She almost felt like her old self again.
Good girl!! smile I still prefer to hear her say "I can't" at the altar, though - but that's just cause it must have stung like hell and I like to see Lex suffer. hehehe!

Hadn’t he even heard what she had just said? Didn’t he care that she didn’t love him? Any other man would refuse to marry a woman who had professed that they weren’t in love with them. After all, he didn’t even really know her that well. If they didn’t have love, what did they have?
Of course he doesn't care. He doesn't want to love her, he wants to *own* her. Trophy wife... GRRR! I really, really hate Lex Luthor!

“How perverse. You can’t honestly tell me that you’d rather be with that out-of-work hayseed partner of yours over me.”
mmm... lemme think for a sec, here: vicious billionaire OR really sweet and kind farm boy who just happens to moonlight in blue tights... Hard choice. Really. I mean, seriously, you know... I can't make up my mind. Mmm... I know! I'd like to buy a vowel. Sheesh!!!

Would he ever forgive her?
Hello? Duh! We're talking about Clark Kent, here. Of course he will!!! That's about as certain as the fact that the sun sets every day and rises again the next. (well, it does in most parts of the world, anyway...)

LOVED the scene with Clark and Luthor!! Excellent! laugh Couldn't peel my eyes off it long enough to comment - I'd have had to quote most of it anyway, it was really *that* good. smile Well done!! And Yay for Henderson getting there in the nick of time. smile

Off I go to read parts 2 and 3. YAY!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies