Aggh! Clark's axe wound or Lois's pending haircut? Which one is the unkindest cut of all?

Very nice twist on the episode, DJ. You are, indeed, most adept at the cliffhanger chapter breaks, but as Tank once pointed out, that's one of the things that bring FOLCs back to your story.

Will Lois assume that Superman died in the cellar? If so, will she also assume that his body disintegrated? And that Lex put the costume in storage? Will Clark regain his powers before or after his fast-healing injury reveals his true identity? Will Lois blame herself for Clark's wound and Superman's disappearance?

As to the last, of course she will! This is, after all, a very WAFFy-angsty story by DJ, isn't it?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing