*looks embarrassed* I said I'd come back, but I didn't...

I'm here now. smile

Clark handed the agent his credit card and inwardly sighed at the injustice of having to waste fifteen hundred dollars and five hours to do something he could have accomplished in a minute's time for absolutely nothing.
hehehehe! Oh, Clark, this is SO going to be worth the money. You just wait and see! *giggles madly*

Lois bit back the impulse to say 'following you, you idiot' and blurted out the first thing that popped into her head. "Uh, we're eloping."
I LOVE that the first thing that popped into her head is "we're eloping" - they could have been doing any number of things, really. hehe! Lois, Lois... don't you see your subconscious is doing all the talking here? Hope you listen to it!

Why hadn't she told him something else? She could have told him that they were here to do a story on compulsive gambling or something - anything - else.
erm... Lois? I just told you why. DUH.

"Come on then, Clark," she said and tried to appear enthusiastic. "Let's get married."
insert small squee right here. YAY. I know, I know, I shouldn't get excited... I will anyway!

The whole ceremony was priceless! *dreamy sigh*

You've got a crush on your husband.
Brilliant!! laugh

You know... she's going to have an insane fit of anger when she realizes she's married to Superman! :p

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies