Ahhhh, feedback. It takes so little time and yet it delights and thrills me for hours, days, weeks, months... laugh
Please tell us which idea was which. What was DJ's challenge? What was your neighbor's idea?
That would be telling! We're almost to what DJ asked for and we're nowhere near what Brenda suggested. Once we pass those mileposts I'll clue you in.
Poor Mayson. Although of course Lois is the only woman in Clarks life, I nevertheless liked her.
I've always had a fondness for Mayson. Lois? Not so much. She only tolerated Mayson. And even that was done grudgingly.
Mickey, the lurid shirts, Martha's incredulous introduction, Reverend Bob's puffs of white hair, Clark's authentic kiss, Lois's rambling thoughts about her clothes, and best of all, the fact that they're married and we're still only on Part 1! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks, Yvonne! You managed to pick out all my favorite little details in just one sentence and it left me clapping my hands in glee.
The last thing in the world I expected was for Mickey to help them LOL.
Was he being helpful? Or, as Clark is going to ponder in the next part, is he "just messing with them"?
So get working on a really great ending to match, d'ya hear??
The ending *is* written. I start stories with a definite ending in mind and everything else is just getting to that point.
Oh, boy. What could they have possibly gotten themselves into that Superman couldn't get them out of?
Why would Clark be in hospital too? I mean...he's Superman. Unless Mickey had Kryptonite somewhere...?
The mind boggles, doesn't it? I'll give you a hint, it's not "Kryptonite". wink
Too funny. Poor Lois! Lucky Clark. (Actually, Lucky Lois, too!)
Lucky Lois, indeed! She's in Vegas, and she's just hit the jackpot (although she hasn't figured that out just yet).
Loved Clark having a window seat close to the front of the plane (me, the claustrophobiac, have to have an aisle seat close to the front).
My theory is that he feels like he has to *watch* the ground below or the wings of the plane to feel comfortable.
Oh, but it apparently turned out to be a real wedding after all... or at least Clark and Lois didn't get it annulled before they landed in hospital... suddenly that bit about "until death parts us" sounds really sinister!
Heh. Heh. Heh. So many replies to that. But I don't want to get ahead of myself.
Sorry I lost all your quotes, Sue. It was an adorable first chapter. Now, if you can just bring us to the end of the last chapter without letting anything unspeakably horrible happen to our favorite newlyweds...
I'm sorry you lost them too, but I'll soldier on somehow. <g> You did read the first bit, about them being in the hospital, right? I would say that something unspeakably horrible has happened to both of them...
I love how they end up married so quickly
It's only a six part story and we've got a lot of ground to cover. Everything is going to go pretty fast. Blame it on my attention deficit disorder.
going back to that last part of the snow storm that's lasted through Spring and will spill into Summer if I don't get this done sooooon!
Lara, this one's for you: wildguy
Just popped in for a look at the new fanfics and that last line had me grinning.
Thanks! I'm glad y'all liked the last line. I was rather fond of it myself.
The trip to Vegas and the wedding were so cute that I almost forgot how this story started. I'm wondering what happens in the days in between.
All will be explained. And very soon. (See previous note about ADD)
But seriously, do you think hubby could come to the ceremony? Otherwise I think he might feel snubbed.
DJ, you know me well enough to know every dirty little reply that came to mind. laugh
And mmmmm <drool> that was a nice kiss, but of course you know how I feel about the NEXT KISS. I've read the thing like 5 times now and it keeps getting better each time. Yum! If Lois thinks she was breathing unsteady after this kiss, just wait.
Heh. Woody, if you're still reading, the next kiss is part of what DJ asked for. We've actually already accomplished one element she asked for, but it's a two-fer so...

Thanks again, you guys! I'll post a part each Monday (or sooner, if there's a demand <cough, cough> for them).

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis