I had just written quite a lot of feedback, and I had come to this little passage:

She could hardly wait to get back to Metropolis and watch him explain to Mayson Drake that they were, albeit temporarily, married.
I was going to add one of these: goofy , when suddenly all my feedback just disappeared! Everything that was left was the goofy icon! Now I have to add this icon: mecry

Sooo... Sue, this was a brilliant first chapter. Great, but incredibly scary opening. Loved Lois's impulsive insistence that they'd follow Mickey to Las Vegas. Loved Clark having a window seat close to the front of the plane (me, the claustrophobiac, have to have an aisle seat close to the front). Loved how Lois told Mickey that she and Clark had come to Las Vegas to elope, just because it was the first explanation she could think of. Love the minister, always happy to marry Mickey off for the second, third, or fourth time. (And I loved his white puffs of hair and bright pink skull, and this little piece of dialogue:)

"Wonderful! What kind of a ceremony did you two want? Religious? Civil?"

"Just the usual," Lois told him. "Nothing special." Sunscreen, she thought as she looked at the top of Bob's sunburned head. How did someone live in Las Vegas and not know about sunscreen?
Loved how you reminded us of the thugs accompanying Mickey and making sure Lois and Clark eloped as they said they would.

Loved how Lois got nervous as if she was getting married for real, and how Clark calmed her. Loved how she wished she had dressed better for her "wedding". (Oh, but it apparently turned out to be a real wedding after all... or at least Clark and Lois didn't get it annulled before they landed in hospital... suddenly that bit about "until death parts us" sounds really sinister!)

I absolutely loved the kiss that Clark gave Lois, and the way she reacted. And like everybody else, I loved that bit about how she had a crush on her husband.

Sorry I lost all your quotes, Sue. It was an adorable first chapter. Now, if you can just bring us to the end of the last chapter without letting anything unspeakably horrible happen to our favorite newlyweds...
