Sorry for the late FDK. I was really hoping to get this to you before you posted the next part, but eh what can you do sometimes?

"Um, well..." The clerk hesitated and then her tone softened somewhat. "I'm sorry, I really don't know. I was just asked to contact someone, a family member or a legal representative, and ask them to come here to make decisions regarding their care."
I’m convinced that you and DJ do things like this in your story just to get me riled up. You know by now that when you give me a nugget like this that it just going to drive me crazy until I figure it out. Then it will make me lament the whole time on their horrible and terrible situation, that YOU put them in. *cries* This is why you are evil. Lure me into a story and hit me with something like this right off. *sniff*

*whispers* You know I really love it when you do this. I know I’m a masochist.

"He's got a suitcase, Lois. He's leaving Metropolis. What are you going to do? Follow him onto the plane?"
He has to know by now that is exactly what she will do. He should learn not to ask questions like this or it’s just gonna give her ideas. smile

She could hardly wait to get back to Metropolis and watch him explain to Mayson Drake that they were, albeit temporarily, married.
Haha, I would totally rub that in as well. laugh Score one for Lois.

It was a good thing that he had no idea just how thrilling that name sounded to her. Admit it, she told herself. You've got a crush on your husband.
Don’t worry so do the rest of us. ^_^

I like the premise of this story so far. It seems like it will be a fun ride. *runs off to read the second part that was just posted*

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!