I have some bad news, guys. Due to circumsances in RL that have me teetering on the brink of a nervous breakdown, chapter 3 will not be posted on Saturday as planned. It'll probably arrive in the middle of next week, with luck. However, I am forced to move this down on my priority list and focus on repairing my GPA. Otherwise I shall go NUTS.
I'll try not to keep you guys waiting too long, and I really am sorry about the delay.
Thanks to everybody who reviewed so far, including Nancy and Marisa. The other symbolism of 786 - type it out on a dictionary enabled cellphone keypad and you get the word 'Sun'. Childishly simple really. The epicentre of our solar system and around which everything revolves.

Asha is the Hindu and Singhalese word for "Desire" btw. I don't see why her being English makes her magical and mystical, Nancy. The English, in my experience, are a rather no-nonsense sort of folk, in general. No offense. Chapter 4 will wend its lazy way unto you once I finish chapter 3. I am horribly anal this way, I know.

Why is it that everybody sees DH Lawrence and goes = Lady Chatterly = porno author?
laugh Geez, you write ONE explicit novel and wazoo goes your reputation. He had a whole lot of PG stuff that didn't cause any controversy, you know. My favourite story by him is the "Rocking-Horse Winner".

Anyway, thank you for all the pretty compliments, Marisa! Your theories are too fun, especially as we are only into the second chapter. I can't imagine the theories that'll be born of the later chapters!

I don't deserve it, but please keep reviewing! You guys give me the strength to live, right now.

Love you all,

“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.