She looked every inch the socialite and ornamental political wife - pristine and unrumpled even at ten in the night.
This is a completely different perspective than we got of Ash at the school play. Great job on rounding out the character.

Clark was reminded, for the first time in many long years that this man had loved the same woman he did, once upon a lifetime.
Really??? I hope we get to learn more about this.

Clark, when it comes to counting lives, Lois was born more flush than your resident alley cat.
great line

“No fire. I put it out earlier,” rejoined Clark wryly and was rewarded by a slight smile from her.
They know he moonlights in tights, so the Westlakes are seriously intimate friends of the Kents.

she redefined the meaning of “paranoid”. Which was probably why she had lived as long as this - a fact which she kept reminding them both.
This woman must have more going on than the average political wife.

You trust me, don’t you?”

Was it just Clark’s imagination or did that question seem loaded?
Um. Suddenly for some reason I don't. Trust her, I mean.

His ID tag read “Roland West”.
Any relation to Westlake or is this a coincidence?

I absolutely *love* your use of Sleeping Beauty in this chapter and the way it cuts back and forth. Absolutely inspired.

And the snippets of memory, love those too.

This was a hell of a chapter. The tension in the second half was exquisite. I could practically hear the haunting orchestra as it cut between the hospital and Clark with the twins. Hasini, I cannot believe you ever dared to say that you can't write. This is solid gold.

lisa in the sky with diamonds