Clark has been honest with Lois already, twice in this story - completely honest with her - and she threw him out of her apartment both times.
Hmmm, if I remember it correctly, he was completely honest when he told her that he had decided that the two of them couldn't be together anymore. And Lois got angry and sad. Big surprise. Now he wants to tell her that he is sorry about breaking up with her - but now he can't tell her?

I just watched Disney's Hercules, whose hero resembles Superman (or Superboy) rather too much for his own good. And in that movie, there is a little goat-man of a coach, Phil, who keeps muttering that he has only two words to say about something, and then he says three words, or one. So, DJ, like Phil I have only two words to say about Clark and his decision not to tell Lois that he is sorry about breaking up with her, and not to propose to her again right now, even though he can see that she so badly needs him to:

