I don't have time now, DJ, but when do I ever have time these days? Better write some FDK anyway.

Her smile widened. Now she knew that he rarely took a taxi. Not unless he was trying to maintain the ruse that he actually needed one.
I love how she smiles when she is thinking of Clark. But then, she doesn't remember why she shouldn't smile.

What things did he sometimes have to give up or sacrifice because of who he was?

How much of that sacrifice would she have to share in if they got married?

All of it. She wasn’t going into this half-committed. She knew what she would be committing to – *who* she would be committing to – once she accepted that ring.
I absolutely love this, how she understands what it would mean to really be married to Superman, and how she will gladly accept the sacrifices. This is what Lois's love for Clark means.

She leaned up and gave him quick kiss, laying her hands on his chest as she did so. She slid one hand down a bit, where his inner pocket would be. When she didn’t feel anything there, she did her best to hide her disappointment. He had taken it back home.
I love this, too - she is so longing for him to propose to her.

Clark could tell something had upset her. She had seemed fine until that kiss. She had kissed him and then ran her hands down... Oh, no. Surely she hadn’t...

Well, of course she had. When he had gone to pick up his coat, it hadn’t been lying where it had fallen to the floor. It had been neatly folded and laid across the arm of her love seat.

He opened his mouth, not sure what he was going to say
Ah, Clark. Don't you remember that Lois edited her journal to give you a chance to undo the wrong you've done to her? Is this the way you're proving your honest intentions to her?

Lois looked from that side pocket to his other side pocket. Maybe he hadn’t taken it home? Maybe he had just put it in another pocket...?
I love how she keeps searching.

“Clark...” she began, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She sighed. “We’d better get going if we want to get finished in time to meet up with Dan for lunch.”

Dan? Clark held back a grimace. “We’re having lunch with Dan?”
Yes, the two of you are having lunch with Dan, because you need information from him. And Lois doesn't remember that you have hurt her so badly that she should seriously think of having lunch with Dan on her own.

Clark knew that if Dan didn’t know, but Dan found out later, that Dan would make sure Lois knew what it was that Lois didn’t know – that she had gone on a ‘date’ with Dan. And if Lois found out that she had gone on a date with Dan, she would know things weren’t right between *them*. Clark shook his head feeling a little dizzy from his inner ramblings. Dan could ruin this... he could ruin it so easily.
So you have a problem, Clark. What do you plan to do about it?

Clark was going to have to tell her what had happened, everything, and he needed to tell her before she found out some other way. He looked up as the prison loomed in front of them. Now wasn’t the time though.
No, for some reason, now is never the time for Clark to be honest with Lois. frown

Lois hated the silence. It felt so uncomfortable. But she couldn’t seem to work up the courage to ask him if he still had the ring with him. She glanced down, nonchalantly, at his pants pocket. There was something in it – something was keeping it from lying flat.

She gave his hand a squeeze. He squeezed back. She swung their joined hands slightly a few times and then she bumped them against his hip – against the object in his pocket.

Even though it was just the back of her hand, she could tell it was hard, whatever it was. Hard and bulky and somewhat square-shaped.

Could it be?

It was driving her to distraction. She wasn’t going to be able to think about anything else until she found out for sure. She was hardly able to think right now. But there was no subtle way to stick her hand in his pocket to find out. So... she would give up being subtle in favor of being direct.

She pulled her hand from his grasp and slipped it inside his pocket.
Sorry for quoting all of this, but... hah! I love it! So Lois! And she is so, so impatient for Clark to propose to her again, to give her the ring. Clark, take a hint, will you?

“Lois!” Clark almost stumbled, more than a little startled by what she’d done. “What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, Clark, I just had to see...” She closed her fingers around the object and pulled her hand free. Lois looked down at what she was holding - Clark’s beeper. “...your beeper?”
The beeper! goofy (But the couch, Clark?)

Clark settled his weight carefully on top of her and whispered, "Lois, you don't know how much I've missed kissing you like this," he said, kissing her again. "And like this," he added breathlessly, his mouth moving to taste the line of her jaw.

"You've missed it?" she panted in between partings.
Why has he missed it, Lois? Maybe because he has broken up with you.

"Oh, please, Clark. I need to feel your hands on me."

Clark shifted, putting his weight on one arm while he ran the other hand just underneath the hem of her blouse. She shivered as his fingers brushed over her abdomen.

"Yes. God, that feels good," she moaned, her hands pulling on Clark's shirt to touch the warm smooth skin of his back.
Oooohhh... this fairly screams for the nfic folder.

"Where's the suit?"

"Left it," he punctuated his words with short kisses along her neck, "by... the window... when I... came in."
I love the way he can hardly speak!

Clark's brain was screaming at him. What are you doing? You need to stop now. Now. Stop now. She won't remember any of this tomorrow. It's not fair.
You'll never convince me that you are stopping because you want to do the right thing to her, Clark.

Lois's body was begging for more, pleading with her. She didn't care if she didn't remember any of this tomorrow. Right now all that mattered was him - his lips, his hands, and this moment.
There is a song called "The Best Of Times Is Now", I think.

Then she felt an odd sensation against her hip. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation but, at first, she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

"Clark? Are you vibrating?"

"What?" he asked and then sighed when he realized his pager was going off. "It's my beeper."
Exchange it for a vibrator, Lois. And then exchange Clark for the vibrator.

Okay, I'll give you the chance to be honest with her, to propose to her for real and to make love to her because she wants you to, Clark!

Looking forward to the next chapter. DJ. I just hope it won't be too oppressively A-plot heavy.
