Ack! Nancy! You wouldn't!!!

Hi Jojo! Well in all fairness, she actually already found the paper. goofy But I know what you want to know... you want to know if she's gonna read it...

You know... I just don't know. wink

Whaddya mean - knowing me that isn't gonna happen? What about Sue? She's way more evil than I am! Oh, wait, that doesn't really help your cause since Sue is writing this with me, does it? :p

Thanks Jojo! I appreciate it. <g>

Hi Angie! Thanks for stopping in! I'm glad you're enjoying the story and had such a great day. <g>

Hi Jackie! Thanks for the fdk! Yes, she did write it... and you would think that would be enough to make it okay... you would think...

Thank you so much everyone! Sue and I may be able to get part 13 posted sometime on Saturday... maybe... Thanks for all the fdk!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.