Hi Ambar! Glad you are enjoying the Clark torture... err... dizzy <g> Evil little sleeves? Sue, are your sleeves evil? wink Thanks Ambar!

AnKS! Hi there. Hopefully it will be posted by tomorrow. We'll see. It's being edited at the moment - Sue has it. <g>

Hi Tahu! So glad to hear from you. Thanks for the fdk.

Hello Elisabeth. I was just tickled to death to hear that James was printing this story out for you to read and you two were 'discussing' it. WOW! I'm flattered! Thanks. Oh, and you know, just between you and me, I didn't think Dan was such a bad guy either <DJ ducks from the rotten fruit being hurled at her> In fact, a little idea for another story has been percolating around in my brain - but that's all I'll say about that. <g>

Glad everyone is still enjoying the story and thank you for all the comments!!!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.