Oooh. More yummy fdk.

Yes, I know you didn't "call" him a scumbag, Lara. I just couldn't help myself since that name was mentioned. Hee hee...

Symbolicangel - I love the comments from people saying they aren't Dan fans, but willing to make an exception in this case because Clark deserves it. Hee hee. Uh, come talk to me again after the next couple of chapters. <g>

Thanks Jackie! Another person willing to endure Dan for a little bit (that's good, since he's hanging around for a bit).

Hi Lisa! Now why are you concerned about Lois fainting? She did faint in the very first part, after all -- remember? When Clark caught her? wink Yes, Dan is a smug little character isn't he? But then we all wouldn't hate him so much if he wasn't. <g>

Hi there Maria! "Bill Church Jr.?" Hmm, good guess, I guess you'll have to wait and find out. wink Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Nancy!

I also don't much like Dan, but have you ever noticed how adorable his smile is?
Ha ha! That's so funny that you should say that. I believe Lois mentions something about that smile a couple of parts from now. <g>

Hi there Ann!

Ha ha ha! I had to laugh at your "pregnant" comment. Uh, no - no chance of that happening. This story doesn't take place early in the 3rd season - just after the proposal - no chance of pregnancy. laugh

But as far as your concern over the fainting thing...


Didn't you say something about being worried about the cab driver? wink Hmm, all this concern...

Okay, moving on... I loved your reaction/comments to Clark thinking about taking her journal. laugh But give Clark credit - he didn't do it - at least not yet - but you can't blame him for "thinking" it. <g>

And yes, the "with you" was a little harsh. But poor Lois, waking up each morning with missing memory and discovering in the span of a few pages in her journal that Clark proposed to her and then broke up with her. It's got to be a little infuriating. <g>

Thank you so much - all of you - I enjoyed every single comment!!!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.