Let's see...you could call her Hubble. (Hubble and Bubbles = Toil and Trouble ) Plus, of course, there's the Hubble Telescope - off exploring other worlds and sending us enticing insights into them. Just like your writing Muse does! (Is that enough flattery, you think?)

Ha ha! Labby you kill me. Yes, that's quite enough, I think. wink

I can say, without a doubt, that part 2 IS NOT coming today. I deeply apologize, but Sue and I are in the middle of a massive creative brainstorming session. I sent her everything I had yesterday along with the "outline" for the story and she kicked it around for a while and sent it back to me... and then I bounced it up and down and sent it back to her.

So it's gonna take a little bit.

But hopefully you'll agree that it will be worth the wait. laugh

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.