Ahhh, snow days, gotta love them. I'm sitting here in my pajamas just writing away on my story - staring blissfully out the window at all the pretty snow on the ground.

Then I decided I needed a break. So I hopped on the boards to see what was happening and saw more tantalizing fdk.

Hi Nancy!

Oh, my goodness!! DJ posts a story without it being done. (I’m proud of ya’, girl. I know you will get it done.)
Yes, and already I'm doubting the sanity of that decision. I just finished making a revision to part 2... I'm always going back and adding stuff in my stories - that's why it makes me so nervous to post before I'm done... so, we'll see...

DJ, you just keep getting better and better.
Awww! goofy ) that she needs a name too. Go figure. laugh

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.