New feedback post from me since I've been gone and we went through the process of hooking up DSL (AARGH!) but it works great and I'm babbling, which brings me to a great way to stop babbling in
KISS OFF! Erin and CC you did a great job on that! No one can describe a scene briefly and get to the heart of it like CC! And it was a great plot. Just how much does Perry know, hmmm?, he and Jimmy were whispering in his office! Oh man, one of the best revelation stories I've read. When you can post this, it will be on my Kerth list for sure. You two need to write some more together! notworthy sloppy

Super Who - great challenge story from Wendy and a brilliant solution by Tank! Inspired! I laughed when the scissors came out!

jump hail

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis