I'm wondering if anyone else is having trouble playing the Fundraiser DVD on a Mac.

I've tried the DVD on my iMac and my sister's iMac and the DVD won't mount on the desktop. After a few seconds the DVD is ejected. whinging

Usually, even when removable media has only windows files on it, it will still mount on the desktop. You usually can see the windows files on the Mac, even if you don't have a program that will open them.

They are older iMacs. I can read DVDs on them, but not write to a DVD. I wonder if that could be the problem. I will be getting a new iMac. I'm just waiting for Leopard to come out first because I hate installing new operating systems.

I was lucky I was able to borrow a Windows laptop for a few minutes and put the stories on a floppy and then transfer it to my iMac. I'll be able to read the stories now, but I would like to be able to look at the videos.

I hope I can play the Fundraiser DVD on the new iMac when I get it. Has anyone with an iMac been able to play the DVD without a problem?
