Just read The Kiss Off.

Wow. I have to admit, I was wondering how a story with that basic premise could keep things up that long.

Reading it, though, it just flowed. Naturally. Wonderfully.

There were moments that jumped out at me... well, not jumped out, exactly. Just that... (pardon, but I'm in metaphor mode, must be catching...) it's like chocolate chips in ice cream. They stand out, extra good, but they also fit right in with the overall goodness. The whole thing's smooth and sweet and just needs to be savored, but there are bits in it that are, well, chocolate. You know what I mean, right?

And then, suddenly, you find yourself at the bottom of the pint, and you know you're full and there isn't really supposed to be any more, but you still miss it...

Thanks, you two. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.