Hi Nan,

I'm doing well. I'm a homebody and an introvert by nature, so the stay-at-home part of all of this isn't fazing me in the slightest. Because a months-long bout of bronchitis permanently compromised my lungs a few years ago, I am being a bit over-the-top careful about not only social distancing, but also having a "decontamination" area for mail, etc. In short, I have turned into Mr. Monk and am well on the way to becoming his brother. (For anyone who hasn't watched the show "Monk," the title character was a germophobe and had OCD. He was higher functioning than his brother though; his brother was agoraphobic to the extent that he hadn't left his house in years.) Aside from walks in my neighbourhood and driving my car a few miles every fortnight or so to keep it in good shape, I haven't left my home since March 11th.

So far, the extra precautions seem to be working.

I'm using my extra free time to catch up on the household cleaning, decluttering, and maintenance that had gone by the wayside for many years while I had been raising my son. Although I still have a lot left to do, my home is already looking better than it had for a couple of decades. I am also spending far more time than usual communicating with family and friends. (Thank God for the Internet and the ability to have VoIP phone calls, Zoom meetings, etc..)

Because I am now retired and have a pension, I neither have to worry about job-related exposure nor where my next paycheck is coming from.

All in all, I consider myself quite fortunate.

Be well,