Folc4evernaday Congrats Vicki! Unfortunately, Mouse wasn't able to stick around for the whole ceremony so presenting Best Series is Vicki
Deadly Chakram /approaches microphone and holds hands up in front of her/ No more bunnies, I promise. They've all been taken care of.
PETA: Monster!
Deadly Chakram No, no, no!! Not like that! They've all gone to nice homes, I swear! No plot bunnies were harmed in the making of this show--
Lois:(to Clark) I smell a cover up.
Deadly Chakram No, there's no coverup! Come on, guys, this was so last presentation! Let's forget about the bunnies-- what, you think I made a whole series of presentations involving bunnies? /waits for connection/
Fine. Comedy's hard, folcs. But you know what's harder? Writing a series of stories that connect together. These next nominees did just that. Whether that's taking a prompt and running with it, or exploring a series of character's feelings introspectively, or even just catching little interludes into our favorite duo's lives. These authors created consistent worlds where we got to dive back in time and time again. Here are the nominees for Best Series.
Rules Series by Folc4evernaday
Ghost From the Past Series by Folc4evernaday
Overwhelmed Series by NostalgiaKick
Blooming Time Series by Millefeuilles
Through My Eyes Series by Deadly Chakram
Caught in the Act Series by CarrieRene
A Town Called Smallville Series by Dandello
And the winner is... Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman! /grins evilly/
Just kidding! No tomato throwing please! Even though it is the best series.... The winner is the Rules Series, by Folc4evernaday! Congrats Val!
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Folc4evernaday **grins** You know after writing a speech like that I'm surprised we didn't have more Comedy from Mouse! Let's give Mouse a hand for the light chuckles and Vicki for presenting tonight.
Okay, so speech? This became a bit of a monster on it's own. It started with a challenge and then the plot bunnies came and thus Rules Series was born. I'm so glad it's been well received by readers.
(Hint Hint the latest fic in the series got posted this week so if you're behind you can catch up) It's been a great ride and I'm glad everyone's enjoyed the exploration into Lois and Clark's relationship. All beginning with a little challenge of Guy Rule Number One. Thanks to everyone that voted and read!
Getting into character’s heads is a hard job for any writer. It can be even harder when the story is written completely from one character’s point of view and giving the reader an introspective view inside the character’s thoughts and emotions. Some of these stories are long and others are just a few words. Each one packs a punch, emotionally tugging on the reader’s heartstrings in just the right way. There were eighteen eligible introspective fics this year. The voting was close and nominations brought us to a very large tie that was unable to be broken. Thankfully you guys could only choose one winner for Best Introspective.
The Nominees for Best Introspective are:
Agoraphobia by MouseRocks
Blooming Time by Millefeuilles
Family by Nostalgiakick
Fresh Eyes by Nostalgiakick
In His Arms by Cuidadora
Mercy by Nostalgiakick
Protecting Lois by Nostalgiakick
The Ring by Nostalgiakick
Through My Eyes (Jack Olsen) by Deadly Chakram
Through My Eyes (Jor-El) by Deadly Chakram
Through My Eyes (Perry White) by Deadly Chakram
Through My Eyes (Sam Lane) by Deadly Chakram
Through My Eyes (Superman) by Deadly Chakram
Tired by Nostalgiakick
What Next? by Nostalgiakick
Waiting for a Lady by Morgana
And the winner for Best Introspective is…
Blooming Time by Millefeuilles!!
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Millefeuilles Oh my! I’m afraid I haven’t really prepared a speech for this Kerth. I figured one was the best I could win… I don't know what to say but “MERCI”.
Folc4evernaday Congratulations Mille! it's a well deserved win! Presenting our next two categories is Morgana
Morgana **Steps up to the mic and checks to make sure Ralph is no where to be found.**
From time to time stories give us a gentle smile while others a downright belly laugh! Take for example in Heat Vision it is no longer newsworthy to be caught by a man with powerful eyes! Who would have thought Clark would ever be dying to fit in? What about the amazing stories by Millefeuilles? My personal favorite is …Ooops! No can say little buckaroos, that’s cheating! Anywho, here are the nominees for Best Waffy!
Agoraphobia by MouseRocks
Being More Discreet by MrsMxyzptlk
Blooming Time by Millefeuilles
Dying to Fit In by Deadly Chakram
Heat Vision by Framework
Mission of Friendship by Cuidadora
Protecting Lois by Nostalgiakick
Remembering to Fly by Nostalgiakick
Revealing Time by Millefeuilles
Rules of Family by Folc4evernaday
Slow News Day by MouseRocks
Star Child by Maggie
The Importance of Fathers by Virginia R
The Ring by Nostalgiakick
Virtually Revealed: Jimmy’s Story by Folc4evernaday
The story that made us chuckle the most! Rules of Family by FoLc4evernaday
Come on down Val!
**Steps back from the mic**
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Folc4evernaday **stumbles to her feet and climbs up the stairs**
I feel like I said this before but seriously? Did you ever think you'd see me writing, let along winning a Kerth for Best WAFFY?
I'm touched that this story was so well received. It was so out of my comfort zone. I do angst and drama well. Writing a story that was entirely B-Plot driven was a challenge and I'm happy to say I was able to step up to the plate and knock it out of the park. I hope to bring many more WAFFY fics to you this next year. Thanks to everyone that read, commented, bookmarked and voted. It means a lot to me! Thank you!
Presenting our next category for Best Character Development is Morgana
Morgana Thanks Val!
Getting inside a character’s mind and motivations add depth and texture to a narrative. Whether that development takes place in an alternative universe or is firmly entrenched in canon, it is always fascinating to watch as the writer takes the reader through the creation and growth of a new or original character.
The nominees are:
Embracing the Darkness by Deadly Chakram
Ghost From the Past by Folc4evernaday
Mission of Friendship by Cuidadora
Nothing is Impossible by BJ
State’s Evidence by Terry Leatherwood
Through My Eyes (Jor-El) by Deadly Chakram
Virtually Revealed: Jimmy’s Story by Folc4evernaday
Murray Brown:That’s right folks it takes character to make it in this business.
Morgana *blinks* Who are you?
Murray Brown: What? You don’t recognize the best agent in Metropolis when you see him?
Morgana Oh, right. (light chuckle) Um, what are you doing here, Mr…(searches for a name but can’t remember)
Murray Brown: Brown. Murray Brown! The big guy calls me Murray you know.
Morgana Big guy?
Murray Brown: The big guy! Superman! Who did you think I was talking about?
Morgana I honestly don’t know. Is there a reason you’re here?
Murray Brown: What better way to announce the winner of best character development than have an expert weigh in with the results. (waves envelope in hand) I’ve got the winner right here.
Morgana Great! (reaches for envelope)
Murray Brown: (tears envelope) Why don’t we do this one together since it’s a new one? (reads envelope) This one isn’t a surprise at all.
Morgana No, it sure isn’t. The winner for Best Character Development is... State’s Evidence
by Terry Leatherwood
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Congratulations to Terry for an awesome win!
Unfortunately he wasn't able to make it tonight so we'll hold onto his award for him.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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