**Jeopardy Tune plays in the background as the sound of Jimmy and Ralph bickering can be heard in muffled confusion in the background**
CarrieRene What would How I Met Your Mother be without Barney? What about Cheers without Norm?
What would M.A.S.H. be like without Corporal Klinger? Where would Friends be without Joey? What if Will & Grace did not have Karen and Jack around for support?
Many of these shows have supporting characters that lend a hand to their main cast. It is what gives the laughs, props up the main characters, and sometimes talks some sense into them.
This year we have many nominations for Best Original/Supporting Character. Some are new characters to the Lois and Clark universe while others are ones we already know and love.
Here are the nominees for Best Original/Supporting Character
A Plot Thwarted by Annie B
A Super Meeting by Deadly Chakram
Embracing the Darkness by Deadly Chakram
Epiphany by Folc4evernaday
Ghost From the Past by Folc4evernaday
Guy Rule Number One by Folc4evernaday
Hitting Close to Home by Lynn S.M.
Just Save Someone by BJ
Last Name (Extended) by Thomas MC
Mission of Friendship by Cuidadora
Nothing is Impossible by BJ
Pocket Full of Kryptonite by Mouserocks
Relative History Miles by CLeuch
Star Child by Maggie
State’s Evidence by Terry Leatherwood
Strangers in a Strange Land by L
Superman and the Shadow - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 0.5 by KenJ
The Importance of Fathers by Virginia R
The Ring by Nostalgiakick
Virtually Revealed: Jimmy’s Story by Folc4evernaday
Waiting for a Lady by Morgana
Whine No More by Folc4evernaday
And the award for Best Original/Supporting Character goes to.... Deadly Chakram for her story Embracing The Darkness. Congratulations, Deadly Chakram.
[Linked Image]
Deadly Chakram*steps up to mic, clears throat*
Thank you, one and all, for your votes. I’m so glad you enjoyed the characters I presented in this story – be it a new spin on Bruce Wayne or the tough, but gentle Grandma Tildy…or even a young version of Chen, whom I stole from canon. Thank you, for giving Embracing a chance, and for your votes. I know you all have busy lives, so reading an epic length story (one of a series of three to boot!) means the world to me. I had a great time creating these characters for you and it makes my heart smile to know that you enjoyed them.
Folc4evernaday Congratulations, Vicki! It’s well deserved.
Deadly Chakram Thanks, Val.
Lois: Yes, congratulations, Vicki.
Lois2: Hey, I was going to say that.
Lois3: Who are you?
Folc4evernaday Okay, what is going on here?
Lois: Yes, WHAT is going on here?
Lois2: I’m presenting Best Alternate Universe…
Lois3: I’m presenting Best Elsewhere…
Lois: No, I’m presenting Best Next Generation
Folc4evernaday Ohhh, I see what happened here. We, uh, combined the categories.
All Lois’: What?
Folc4evernaday We thought it was a good idea at the time.
Herb: Terribly sorry. We seem to have accidentally swapped your Mouse with one from a different universe. Here, you can have her back, she's depressing a lot of people on Earth 2...
Folc4evernaday Whew. Alternate Universes are weird, am I right? Whether it's another Earth, a parallel timeline, an alternate future or a completely sideways story involving the characters we know and love, you just never can tell where things might end up. It's a fun way to break a bunch of rules and keep your audience on their toes.
Lex: /Lex pops his head up/ Breaking rules, eh? I might like this category.
Lois: /Lois elbows him in the ribs/ Get in line, pal. Besides, she said breaking rules, not breaking laws.
Folc4evernaday Guys! Not yet, okay? /grumbles/ always with the jumping in without checking the water level... Let's just get right to it, all right? Here are the nominees for Best Alternate Universe/Elseworlds/Next Gen story.
Embracing the Darkness by Deadly Chakram
Ghost From the Past by Folc4evernaday
Last Name (Extended) by Thomas MC
Nothing is Impossible by BJ
Relative History by CLeuch
State’s Evidence by Terry Leatherwood
Strangers in a Strange Land by L
And the winner is...
All Lois’: Vicki! For Embracing the Darkness!
[Linked Image]
Deadly Chakram Wow, I’m truly stunned by the response to this story. When I wrote it…I wasn’t even sure people would read it, let alone vote it through nominations. I had no idea you would enjoy it enough to give it awards. But, I’m so happy that you did read it and, apparently, enjoy it. AUs/Elsewheres are always a joy for me to craft, because they wipe the slate clean and I can take the characters anywhere and do anything I want with them. Like make them a different famous superhero before they become an even more famous superhero. It may be a weird ride, and one we aren’t used to, but it’s always exciting to see where the story takes us al. Thanks for coming along for the ride, everyone.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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