Virginia R wrote:
"When they changed the Archives site to be more mobile friendly recently, it really alienated the rest of us who find the new site bland, vague, and more difficult to find stories. Personally, I don't understand how it is supposed to be an improvement for mobile browsers (or anyone) as it now looks like all the other boring websites out there. There's nothing to it that says, "This is an awesome FanFic Site! Stay and Read!" (And for you literalists out there, you know I meant visually."

I couldn't agree with you more. I always liked the left paragraph format. When reading on my laptop, I am overwhelmed with the large print and indentation style. I tried downloading (copy/paste) a fanfic into Microsoft Word and then change the paragraph formtting, But it won't allow me to use a global command. I genuinely miss the Kerth banners, etc. mecry