jackiek: Thank you for reading. smile Welcome back to the boards!

I've been working on reading this story since I came back to the boards a few weeks ago. I have literally spent every spare moment reading because I just couldn't stop.
thud Wow. Thanks. That's quite a compliment.

I didn't realize it wasn't done! I really hope you are able to finish it. It is such a great story.
Thank you. [Linked Image] Yes, I am still working on Wrong Clark. I currently have Part 237 at Beta. I'm determined to finish it. It seemed as if I was posting so sporadically leaving readers hanging at awful times while waiting for me to write the next part. I like to have at least 5 parts written before posting, in case I need to go back and correct or change some plot point (it's happened before that my characters took me in an entirely different direction than the story needed to go). Therefore, I said I would only post when I had a whole plot arc completed (this story has MANY mini plot arcs), so that I wouldn't leave the readers hanging (or Lois) too long. I know it's been what feels like decades since I've last posted. My muse has been distracted often lately on other stories (see below) and this summer my internet connection will be iffy. I'm hoping that will mean I'll be distracted by OTHER (non-facfic) things less and finally be able to move onto the FINAL plot arc. evil

I believe 'The woods' is what you meant by being distracted on the nfic side. What a distraction that was!! I am in awe of your writing talent and hope to read more from you soon.
Thank you, again. Yes, The Woods distracted me. And then another (still unfinished) Nfic distracted me until it hit a wall. And NOW, a third Nfic has distracted me. [Linked Image] What IS my muse trying to tell me about Wrong Clark, I wonder. [Linked Image] I guess, technically, I could post Parts 229-233 now (as in starting mid-July), if my readers are desperate for another mini-mini plot arc. As I said, my internet will be iffy this summer and I may not be able to get access to internet to post in a timely manner.

Thank you for letting me know that you're reading with your wonderful and Muse-inspiring comments.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.