Name: Felicia (though most people call me Feli, something I definitely encourage these days. I get *really* sick of people saying 'bye Felicia!' Tip- it's not funny.)

Occupation: Mum/lab med student/pizza delivery person

Things You Enjoy: My kids. Animals. Good books (and yes, that definitely includes fanfic!). Chocolate. Writing fanfic. Sewing.

What You Love Most About LnC: It's a whole bunch of things. The chemistry between Dean and Teri. The way the writers emphasised Clark as the real person and Superman as the disguise. The portrayal of Lois as this strong, intelligent, independent woman instead of as a silly little bimbo. The development of characters like Perry and Jimmy- I love that they weren't simply there to fill a gap or further a plot, but were important parts of Lois and Clark's lives.

Favorite Episode: I switch between The Phoenix and Lucky Leon, although I will always have a soft spot for Pheromone, My Lovely. It was the first episode I ever saw.

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg