I really appreciate all the time and effort that must have gone into the new design, but I, too, prefer the look of the old web site. There are so many stories on the site that it can be a bit overwhelming, especially when someone first visits it. The awards information helped me to choose whose stories I would try out. I also liked seeing the years with ribbons.

My big problem, though, is with the font colour. The lightish grey makes it harder for my aging eyes to see. Also, if given my druthers, I would prefer Times New Roman -- yes, the font is boring, but that is precisely its strong suit -- it doesn't draw attention to itself, so the focus can be on what is written and not on the font itself.

I am definitely in favour of making the site easier for mobile users to use, but please don't make that ease at the expense of those who still use a desktop.

I feel almost guilty airing my thoughts on this one, given how much time others have volunteered making the changes, but since the changes were made to enhance the user experience, I am hoping that honest feedback would be appreciated and would help shape the next round of changes, whenever they may be. Once again, my thanks to all who have put in countless hours to make the stories continue to be accessible.
