Originally Posted by Marcus Rowland
Um... not at all keen, to be honest. I'm sure it works very nicely on a device screen, e.g. an iPhone or something, but I've got a 23" monitor here and it's giving me a screen that's presenting four or five lines of text. Even on the smallest text size I'm only seeing about half of the options when I want to choose a story - and the story button is really small compared to most of the text on the opening screen. People do want to look at other things beside the newest stories occasionally.

If the only way to get to what I want to read is going to be to navigate through a lot of screens like that I'm probably not going to bother.

Most sites I use that do this have two or three different settings - one similar to the old view for computers with big screens, one for smaller devices that can still present quite a lot of data, such as iPads, and one for iPhones etc. See e.g. Twisting the Hellmouth, that does this quite well.

I appreciate that this has been a lot of work, but it's seriously putting me off the site. Is there any way that it can continue to cater to those of us who prefer an older style?

Yeah, I noticed the change last week. Hadn't said anything but now that you mentioned it.... I think it's a good change and I know the site needed some revamping, BUT speaking as a web designer myself and Mobile Developer I'm not that crazy about it. I can appreciate it took a lot of hard work to do and I'd even be willing to offer my services (for free of course) if anyone needs help, but the biggest turn off for me is the presentation you get when you arrive on the homepage.

Mobile Friendly
Updated Info on the site
Great Look!
You can navigate where you need to on mobile devices

Search Bar? Where are you Oh Search Bar? Oh, there you are...hidden a few pages down. (Not ideal at all)
Search results pull up broken links to stories
Homepage looks like a stretched out version of the mobile site. (Too Big. Too...everything. It just doesn't read well. Maybe try a slideshow or something instead to scroll through posts)

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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