Change is difficult, especially for people still obsessed with characters from a TV that has been off the air for 20 years. wink I can easily recall the uproar when these Message Boards changed, but we adjusted. We'll adjust to the new Archives, too, once all the kinks have been worked out.

I usually only visit the Archives while using my desktop computer monitor (or on my Nook... which is currently gathering dust, somewhere... I'll have to recharge it to see how the site looks on it.) I know many people use only cell phones to browse, but I can't read on that small a screen, it gives me a headache. The Nook is okay for reading, I guess, but it doesn't keep a charge, so annoying. My school district has a button, so you can toggle between two screen formats -- a desktop version and a travel sized (?) version (or at least you can when looking on the website on my cell phone). One of the things I HATE about the new Windows 10 is that it assumes that it's being used on a laptop or traveling device. You'd think that a company as big as MS would be able to develop a system that could tell the difference between a desktop system and a traveling system. (Off soapbox.)

I found the new look of the Archives is missing something... a hook perhaps. It's a bit bland. It needs something that draws the browser to stay and look around. Photos perhaps? Lois and Clark shoved into the crest are so faint in the red logo, you can't even see them. Although Lois is dark enough to blur the S of the crest, so new readers (and even some old ones) might be left going, 'huh?' What IS this page? Or is that on purpose, so we don't tempt new readers to come and find us?

I miss the quick list off to the left to jump exactly where I want to go (Author, Title, etc...) I did navigate around using the new drop-down menu (hovering my mouse over Stories). The font seems to jump to different sizes with every page switch. Also, a flash of text is visible on screen with every jump, which I found blinding.

The couple of links I tried (under my stories) seemed to work; although, I found the light grey font so light it was difficult to read. We don't have the eyesight we did 20 years ago, either (alas).

And my alias changes between its correct spelling without the space to one with a space. (Or vice versa, as the incorrect spelling is the one used on the author page, but not on the individual story pages). Sigh. You'd think I could look past this oft repeated mistake, but alas... I'm afraid I'm getting persnickety in my old age. At least, I'm not Virgyna as I was recently called by a robo-appointment reminder. /eye-roll/

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.