Thank you very much!

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
And don't worry about it having been rewritten before, one of the things I love about good fanfic are all the ways and shades authors can explore the fundamental realities in the show and between the characters. So bring on all the rewrites, I'll read them all smile
I don't have any other rewrites in the works, for the time being. However, I'm working on the sequel... smirk

Originally Posted by chickberry
I enjoyed the story very much also. I think most L&C fanfic writers have probably attempted or thought of attempting this scene and your rendition captures the characters personalities nicely.

Thank you... I admit that one of the challenges was attempting to render the characters' "voices" more or less accurately. (Aside from writing in another language.)

I also like the word choice and sentence structure being a little different than I think a native speaker would have done it. IMO English has a lot of flexibility that way and I didn't find anything written to be done in a strange way. Good job on your first story.
I understand what you mean: when I read fiction in my native language that was written by a non-native speaker, there is always a feeling of faintly exotic wording... and it sometimes works out for the best!

Anyway, I had two fantastic Betas, so credit must chiefly go to them for a stellar work, correcting my mistakes and smoothing out the rough angles.