MikeM, Lynn SM, Queen of the Capes, Morgana, thank you very very much for all the nice and encouraging words... smile1

Truth to tell, I was helped by two fabulous betas who carefully polished all the hard angles on my imperfect English… As I was taught UK English at school a looooong time ago, there were quite a few left!

Regarding a sequel, I must admit that I never considered one. But with so many nudges in that direction, why not? Even if I fear it might fall flat after an intended one-shot story. (My appalled betas are about to commit suicide.)

IMHO, a sequel wasn’t needed because there was enough of Clark shining through his Superman disguise. I wanted to “leave it to the reader's imagination”, as Lynn S. M. so aptly pointed out. Besides, I planted some seeds for Lois’s ulterior moves: her reconciliation with Clark, their investigation of Lex leading to the rebuilding of the Planet, her piecing things together (or not), etc.
My ambition was to have a peek into Lois’s inner journey to self-awareness and move her epiphany a little earlier into the storyline.

I had the added challenge to develop the eps scenes into something a little different, twisting the dialogue into another shape. Indeed, a very difficult challenge since so many fabulously talented writers had done it before with flying colours.

Originally Posted by Morgana
What a delightful story! I could actually see Lois and Superman talking in her apartment. Her nose is red and raw from blowing her nose using paper towels rather than tissues.

Thanks. smile
I figured the paper towels came from all her take-out deliveries!! And Lois Lane never cries, so she had no tissues at home… wink

Last edited by Millefeuilles; 02/01/17 05:17 AM.