Well, well, I now have some good news and bad news. I spoke too soon. I'm going to have to go back into the hospital to be put on IV antibiotics for a week to kill this blasted infection, since there are no oral antibiotics that I can take to kill it. The only one is Bactrim, which is a sulfa drug, and I am definitely allergic to sulfa drugs, as the last time I took one (Septra) I broke out in a lovely little red rash that itched like fury and lasted for a week.

However, the good news is, my urologist thinks he has pinpointed the source of the infections. I have a big kidney stone in the left kidney which is probably harboring the bacteria, so the antibiotics can't reach them. The solution to that is shockwave therapy, otherwise known as lithotripsy. So first they have to kill the infection again, and then smash the stone.

I sure hope he's right on this one. This is getting awfully old.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.