I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Canavan today, and the news is good.

The lab reports that the edges of the tumor are clear of cancer cells, so they got it all. The sentinel node was clear, so it hasn't spread.

It was 2.2 cm, not 1.8, so technically it was a stage two tumor, but only because of the size. It hasn't gotten into the lymph nodes.

I will have to do 5 days of radiation therapy next week, probably, as there is only a small window of time for that. They are also doing a genetic analysis of the growth to see if it is the type to recur in 10 years or so. If it is I'll have to undergo chemo. Hopefully it will be negative. I really don't want to lose my hair, but if I do, that's life. It will grow back.

All in all, it's a good report.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.