Latest update:

I saw my medical oncologist today. The news is mixed.

As far as anyone knows, the cancer is gone. However ...

Even though the lymph nodes are clear and the edges of the excised tumor were clean, the doctor says it was an aggressive tumor that had been growing for about 6 months. In that time there is the possibility that a few cells may have spun off into the bloodstream.

To combat this, I must have chemotherapy every three weeks for the next six months to catch any such hypothetical cells and kill them. It won't be fun, but if I don't, there is a good chance the thing will reappear in my brain, liver, lungs or kidneys. If I do the chem, the chances are excellent that I will live out the rest of my normal lifespan without a reappearance. Since I am not a fool, I will do the chemo.

This means, of course, that I am going to lose my hair for a time. <sigh> I look like an alien from Star Trek without my hair. However, it will grow back.

So, looking for the silver lining, since I was having my hairdresser slowly lighten my hair color anyway, so that the roots won't show as much when they grow out, I bought a very stylish ash-blond wig this afternoon, and when I am over the chemo, and my hair grows back enough, I'll have Kelsie match the wig's color, and no one will know the difference except my family.

Anyway, that's the news. It's going to be a pain in the butt for another six months, but I'm going to live. That makes it worth while.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.